Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Oh The Rocky Road

David is busy getting mad at the remote/TV right now, so I thought I would update you on the rest of today...

We finally left the hospital at 2:15pm. This of course is after David filled a huge cart full of our stuff from the hospital room and took it to the truck. David also loaded the cart with items to take to our new NICU home. I'm sure the nurses were laughing their heads off when they saw David come around the corner with what looked like a mountain of stuff. We also visited the NICU twice together (once for us and then a second time so that Mel, our nurse, could see Jack and Ella).

Leaving the hospital was bittersweet. This is the second time we have left the hospital without babies in our arms. We were both rather emotional about the whole idea. However, I was happy about the prospect of seeing Maddie and Lucy (the cats), and breathing "fresh" air.

Let me back track a little. The doctor stopped by this morning to tell us that our only opportunity to hold Ella would be within the hour, so of course I was very excited that it was finally going to happen. We rushed around and hurried over to the NICU. The ideal situation would have Ella and I skin to skin, but because of all her cords, IVs, etc. that wasn't going to be possible, but we did the best we could. I can't explain the emotion that filled me when I felt her in my arms. She would reach up and touch my chest, and it was the most incredible feeling. My whole body tingled. We have some really good pictures that we'll post tomorrow.

Anyway, we arrived home to some pretty happy cats, and a house I hadn't seen for almost 7 weeks. I took a nap on the couch, and David did laundry and unloaded the truck.

We left to go back to the hospital around 5:30. We stopped by McDonalds on the way because I was dying for some fries. However, this is when things, once again, took a twist. The Neo called to let us know that Ella's long term IV wasn't going to work and that she would need to undergo a surgical procedure that would put a permanent IV in her chest or neck. Of course I lost it once again. When we got to the hospital, the doc explained that the IV the were trying to put in just wasn't cooperating, and it was time to go to the next option. A pediatric surgeon from Riley came to hospital to take a look at Ella and the equipment available to him. He decided that he didn't have what he needed so the procedure will be Thursday afternoon instead of tonight.

Though it was incredibly stressful, we trust our doctors and am comforted by it.

On the other hand, Jack is doing really well. He is doing all the things he is supposed to be doing. As for the technical description of what that is, David will have to fill you in later. What I can tell you is the doc was considering switching him back to the respirator because he is wanting to breathe on his own.

Also, we had a great visit with Scott and Carrie tonight. They spent about 2 hours in the NICU with us. Unfortunately, both Jack and Ella are doing light therapy and have to wear "sunglasses" so they didn't get a good look at their faces.

Well, overall today went OK even with Ella's news. But we are learning quickly, we can never get too comfortable because things change all the time.

Note from David - When our main neo left today, he seemed very heartened by Ella's latest x-ray at 5:30PM. Her emphysema-like condition had cleared very well from the oscillator.

Oh, and yes, they do have special, small diapers. We have a couple and will post a pic later. I think they might fit around my big toe...


Anonymous said...

Your kiddos had a great night!!! Many improvements!!!

Anonymous said...

Again, many thanks for the updates. I think of you nonstop and am looking forward to seeing you. Always praying! Our love to all.

Anonymous said...

Yes, there's something very healing and comforting in holding your child. I can still get the same feeling, especially if I've had a bad day, from hugging my teenage sons. It's a unique bond. Glad you were able to visit with the cats. Let us know how things go with Ella this afternoon, though I have a feeling all will go fine. Still praying prayers of hope, healing, and thanksgiving.

Marcy said...

Many prayers for a successful procedure this afternoon with Ella. It is good to hear that they are doing well.

Angela Compton said...

I have been thinking about you all week. I did not want to say anything before, but I too went through much of what you are going through with my youngest son. He was premature and had a congenital heart defect. The Riley NICU was my home for a couple of months. I remember the round the clock blood gases, on + off the vent, the c-pap, and watching the b/p constantly. It is a rollercoaster, but I guarantee you it is worth it. By the way, that once critically ill baby is in high school now so keep your hopes high.