Monday, January 14, 2008

Ella's first cry

Jack and Ella are now over a day old. They are maintaining the current course of action. Jack received his 4th and last dose of surfactant (I finally got the spelling right...) and responded well to it. We'll do a bigger update later, but I wanted to show off her crying ability.


Crystal said...

she is soooooo cute, you guys!!!

Marcy said...

What a sweet sound.

Anonymous said...

What a set of lungs! She is adorable.

kwatson said...

What a beautiful family. I've been following every post and have kept you in my thoughts. We miss you at FJH. Take care. Kelly

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! I was just mesmerized by your video. Even though she is so tiny she seems to have a great set of lungs. I thought about you, Kristy, Ella and Jack through out my school day, when ever I wasn't going over some part of an algebra equation I was thinking about and praying for all four of you. Keeping you and your new family in my thoughts and prayers.
Karen Stearley

kelly said...

How beautiful to hear my nieces cry, she is absolutely adorable!!!!

kelly said...

I cant help but to play the video over and over and over again.I love to hear her and can't wait to see and hear more.

Anonymous said...

Jason and I are so happy for the two of you!! Those two babies are beautiful and Ella's cry brings tears to my eyes. We know that you guys have a long road ahead, but every minute will be worth the great rewards that you will receive from your babies. Children truly are the best blessing. Take care we are always thinking about the four of you.

Kari Lynn said...

Oh what a beautiful sound, brought me to tears. I couldn't wait to get home and see the video after Kelly told me about it.