Wednesday, January 16, 2008

More highs and lows

Kristy got to hold Ella this morning and was ecstatic about it. She'll tell you about it and we'll post pics later. Unfortunately, it was a day early because they're moving her to the oscillator. Apparently, she's developed emphysema in her right lung during the past day. The oscillator will provide a lower level of oxygen but at a higher rate to assist in shrinking a part of her lungs (don't remember the name right now...).

Jack is stable and slowly being weaned in his levels. His blood gases look good and his profusion is much better than yesterday morning. Profusion is the ability shown by the skin to return to a normal state, e.g., push on your skin, it'll turn white then back to normal. Yesterday, his was a bit slow returning to normal rate. Also, his blood pressure was higher, so no need for dopamine.

We're approaching 72 hours and we're enjoying have them with us every minute.


Anonymous said...

can't wait to see them :)

Anonymous said...

I know it’s disappointing to have Ella take what seems to be a step backwards – but the ability to give her the help and rest she needs is amazing! Make that your focus! Nick was on an oscillator for two weeks with no damage to his lungs. You’ll have the same story about Ella. Love and prayers!
P.S. Joann mentioned 1st birthdays… from the looks of your blog, you’re going to have to rent a hall :-)

Anonymous said...

So glad things are going well overall. Can't wait to see the picture!