Saturday, February 23, 2008

6 Weeks

It is hard to believe that tomorrow begins Jack and Ella's 6th week outside the womb. Though I have loved getting to know them, I can't help but feel guilty that they have had to struggle and fight so hard to survive... They should be safe inside me, but instead they are hooked up to machines and living in a box. They have had to do things that their little bodies shouldn't have to do yet. I hate it! It has been getting harder and harder to go to the hospital and visit them. We just want them home. Can David and I really make it another 7 weeks? AGHHH


Anonymous said...

Kristy and David, this is your Uncle Jim(Junior) and Aunt bea, just wanted to let you know we are reading your blog each day and we are praying for all of you. We will ask the Lord to give you extra strength and encourgement and to wrap his arms around those babies and give them his healing touch. We love you!!

Anonymous said...

Hey you two Quit beating yourselfs up!! You are great parents already and you deserve to feel the way you do and be so protective!! YOU ALL have fought so hard and are Doing A Fantastic Job and I know you will continue!! I've seen you in action and Jack & Ella are very blessed and you all will be fine and let all of our prayers and hugs keep you strong and remember: Parenting has begun!!
Love Ya!!

Sheri said...

You can do it! Every day is another day that they get stronger and another day closer to coming home. Hang in there - you are doing great!