Sunday, February 10, 2008

4 weeks old

Jack is now up to 1 lb 15 oz (870g) and Ella is up to 2 lb 5 oz (1060g). They are both stable on the CPAP and Ella is rotating the nasal cannula every 6 hours. Jack's vapotherm has been removed since his A's and B's were increasing. He's now being weaned back down on his oxygen requirements on the CPAP. They are doing very well.

Yesterday, Kristy got to hold both of them at the same time. It was the first time since delivery that they had been together. Very cool...


Crystal said...

that is so awesome that they got to be together. i LOVE that last pic where they both have their hands on kristy's chest.

Anonymous said...

You look beautiful Kristy. This was a moment you have waited for for a long time. Thank you for sharing.
Jack and Ella look so perfect. They will love looking back at their pictures and reading about themselves in your blog someday.
Hope everybody has a good week.
love, Billie

Anonymous said...

just wanted you to know they are so precious. you are truly blessed. it will be a wonderful day when you can take your babies home. may god be with you all.

Michelle said...

Congratulations on your babies' 4 Week Birthday! They are looking so wonderful! Such a sweet picture of you holding them close. I bet they've missed each other! God Bess you all...