Jack continues to amaze us in his growth rate... he is actually getting heavy to hold for long periods of time. I think the majority of his weight is in his head.
In the same respect, Ella feels too light. She is having some digestion issues with the formula (we've stopped fortifying breast milk and have gone to straight formula). She cries and cries at times. We are trying Mylicon drops to help her belly pains.
As for me, I have begun to adjust to very little sleep. Instead of trying to stay awake during the evening, I go to sleep as soon as the last diaper change/feeding. It seems to be working, but then again, I've had help during the day (both mom's and David have spent some time with me during the week). Besides the daily baby care, my days are filled with insurance battles, nanny hunting, and house work. I think I'm actually looking forward to going back to work...
Speaking of help - thanks Debbie for coming last Saturday! We loved having you visit and the babies haven't stopped talking about it.
Our next big "thing" is Jack's pulmonary appointment next week. We are hoping to be done with the oxygen once and for all. The only worry is that Jack has had some apnea alarms. We aren't sure if they were legitimate alarms or just mechanical issues. The leads that attach to Jack's chest sometime move - so we don't know if they are truly picking up his breaths.
Anyway - we are still on the hunt for a "nanny" so please keep your ears open for us. Any leads are much appreciated!
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Thursday or is it Wednesday...
Posted by
9:03 PM
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Kristy and I are learning that concepts we once knew now have a new definition. For example, tonight we had a little steak dinner on the grill. Let me do the comparison:
700PM - On a hunch, decide to go out to eat
730PM - Arrive at restaurant, hang out for a while to get a table
800PM - Have a couple appetizers or salads
830PM - Enjoy a well-cooked steak while being annoyed at the crying babies around us
900PM - Finish up with some nice creme brulee
930PM - Decide to hang around for a while to listen to the band
1030PM - Go home to watch TV for a bit before bed
Days before - Buy steak for freezer
900AM - Decide to have steak, so defrost it on the counter
600PM - Feed Ella
700PM - Feed Jack so that we've timed the dinner appropriately
730PM - Put steaks on grill
745PM - Jack and Ella decide this was a most inopportune time for mom and dad to eat
750PM - Put Ella in car seat on table in the hope that she'll stop crying
755PM - Steaks are done
805PM - Hurriedly finish steaks since Jack is now throwing a fit
810PM - Clean up between fits
815PM - Jack and Ella decide that being calm is now good
830PM - Sit on couch with aching bellies from eating too fast
The rest of the night - Stay up so that Jack and Ella can eat
Oh well, the pictures make it all worth it. And by the way, if you have any care references, please let us know at dkokoska@yahoo.com. Thanks.
Heisman Pose (The first LB in PSU history to win one?)
Fighting (I think Ella might take this one, unless Jack uses that lower center of gravity)
Chilling (I'm sure they'll love this one when they're older)
Sleeping (It does happen from time to time)
Posted by
8:29 PM
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Jack hits 8lbs
The last couple of days have been something... anytime we have to leave the house it is quite an undertaking. On Tuesday we went back to the pediatrician for our second visit, and on Wednesday we went to the pediatric optometrist. Needless to say, I can't even imagine doing this on my own. Since David had to go back to work, my mom filled in as monitor, diaper bag, and oxygen tank carrier. Thanks mom!!
As for the pediatrician's visit, we found out that our little Jack has hit 8lbs! Ella isn't far behind at 7lbs 10oz. It's really amazing to see their changes from 3 months ago.
OK... I need some help! I have to arrange day care for Jack and Ella soon (for August - back to school). Does anyone know of a nanny or personal care service? Our dream would be to have someone come to our house each morning around 7am and then leave when I get home from school around 3pm. We've already been warned that Jack and Ella will be very susceptible to catching all the "bugs" out there, so I'd like to avoid a large day care if possible. Got any ideas? Does anyone know of a service? Anyone know of a former nurse that just happens to want to watch two adorable little babies from August through May? I don't even know where to start, so if you happen to know someone that knows someone that has used a nanny service or individual and really liked them, please let me know.
Posted by
8:12 PM
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Long Nights
Instead of relishing the night (sleeping, cuddling with my hubby, snuggling with Lucy (my cat), unwinding after a rough day), it is a time of loneliness. I sit and watch Jack and Ella sleeping knowing that in just an hour or so the whole diaper/feeding tango begins again.
I sit on the couch looking out the family room windows across the golf course - mostly in a daze. The sky is dark with only the twinkling of street lights. The house makes weird noises as it settles - noises lost during the hustle of the day. David is off to bed as he has taken all he can. Though I do the majority of the feedings and diaper changes, he makes up for it by doing everything else. I have lost count of the loads of laundry he has done and loads of trash he has taken out. Our refrigerator is so full of David's cooking that it will take a week or so just to find our way to the back.
The clock only reads 11:18pm; it is going to been a long one... I can already feel the heaviness on my eyes and the weakness of my legs. The sad part is that I actually got some good sleep today. Thad and Bobbi stopped by and of course, I took advantage and went to sleep. All in all, I probably got 5 good hours.
This week is looking to be uncomfortably busy which is probably some of the dread I'm feeling tonight. David goes back to work Tuesday. This stinks for both of us! My mom is coming down Monday night for the week, and as much as I appreciate it, it's still not like having David home. Tuesday is our second pediatrician appointment and Wednesday is an Optometrist appointment. Two days of taking Jack and Ella out of their safe cocoon known as home... not to mention the unbelievably difficult task of loading up the two car seats, diaper bag, oxygen tank and monitor, double stroller, and the kitchen sink.
I guess I'll stop rambling and try to get 30 minutes before Jack indubitably tells me that it is time. He has an internal alarm that goes off after 3 hours... no questions asked.
Posted by
7:05 PM
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Ella Bella
Holy smokes. Babies sure are harder to take care of than cats. It's a good thing that they're a lot cuter...
As promised, here are some pics of Ella over the past week.
Ella's classic looks (the peek and the O)
That sure was a good dinner
One day I'll have a full head of hair
Posted by
1:33 PM
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Just Jack
The kids are doing great. Both are now over 7 lbs and no new worries in the last week. Last night, Bobbi watched them overnight so Kristy got some real sleep. Thanks again.
Below are some pics of just Jack over the last week. We'll post some of Ella this weekend.
Monster quarterback smashing head
My favorite boppy
Napping with mom
Diaper throwdown time
Family resemblance?
Posted by
10:27 AM
Monday, April 14, 2008
Surely I can do this?!
This sounds awful, but I've looked at people in the mall, grocery store, etc. and thought, if they can do this baby thing then I can too. Now I'm not so sure... I keep wondering if I missed out on the secret. Was there a 'Baby 101' class I missed at IU? The thing that I do know is... I'm exhausted and totally unsure about most of the things that I'm doing. I guess everyone goes through this, but it makes me wonder.
I have managed only about 3-4 hours of sleep a day (and I'm a girl who really likes her sleep - I used to get at least 8 hours a night and still take a 1-2 hour nap after school). Fortunately the first couple of days Thad and Bobbi relieved David and I for several hours. I take most of the night shift so that David can be super daddy during the day. He cooks and cleans while trying to help with Jack and Ella as needed. I sleep during the small intervals that one or the other are not being fed, held, changed, crying, etc.
Please don't take this wrong, I'm not complaining... I just had no idea what it meant to take care of a baby (or two) full time. Wow - bravo to all the parents out there for your patience and stamina.
I'll back track a little...
Thursday was an incredible day. We arrived at the hospital at 9am and began all the necessary tasks to be discharged. First we fed the babies because, well, they weren't going to wait. Then we met with a guy to train on how to read the monitor Jack is wearing, how to use the Oxygen tanks (the huge stationary one sitting in our kitchen and the portable one), and infant CPR. After this we went back to Jack and Ella's room and yes, it was feeding time again. Once fed, David and I ran down to the hospital cafeteria and had our last meal there (after 4 months we were not sad). Finally, about 2pm we loaded the babies into the Expedition and left for home.
The ride home was scary... I kept thinking that the car seat straps were too tight, that Jack &/or Ella wasn't breathing right, the traffic was too heavy, etc. I was a mess. Once we got home and unloaded the real parenting began. Needless to say, we found out right away that there is never enough time.
Fast forward...
Today was our first pediatrician appointment. Going places sucks! Loading the diaper bag, my purse, two car seats, a double stroller, an oxygen tank, and monitor into a car is not my idea of fun. The drive itself wasn't bad, but the whole process was miserable. We got to the doctor's office and David ran in to see about getting things started before we unloaded. He immediately came back to let me know that the waiting room was empty and that we might as well go in. Of course, once we got into the office it filled up... germs!!
The appointment was like a scene from a movie... both kids pooped their pants and wanted fed as soon as we got to the examination room. Going into much more detail just makes me jittery, so I let your mind go from there.
Another issue we've discovered is that Jack and Ella are way sensitive to baby wipes... their butts are raw. It seems like they went from cute little pink butts to red and raw as soon as the wipe hit them. We immediately went back to the hospital version of a wipe (a wet cloth with baby soap) and are hoping we didn't damage our children for life. For now, we are using A&D ointment (recommended by Thad & Bobbi and our pediatrician) to try to heal their war wounds.
Last thoughts...
Jack and Ella are home. Despite my whines, I am in heaven. David and I have looked forward to this moment for 11 years. Through it all we've been at the highest high and the lowest low. I can't say that I would have written our lives this way, but I wouldn't have changed it either. We got here the way we did for a reason - maybe it was God's way of making sure we were ready, letting us know what was important in life, or just testing our faith. Whatever the reason he planned it this way, we are thankful for what we have and are stronger for the journey we have traveled. And, well, Jack and Ella are home!
Posted by
6:07 PM
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Pacifiers rock
Ok, I'm sure I've said all this before and all the parents' laughed "My kids won't need pacifiers and they definitely won't watch tv before age 2".
Well, the pacifier rule is out the window and I'm guessing that tv rule may get shot down too... Next thing you know we'll be cruising town in a sweet mini-van. Ugh.
Oh, and whoever said "babies sleep 20 hours a day" is full of crap. Speaking of which, maybe they meant "babies crap 20 hours a day".
Posted by
10:32 PM
3 months old
The kids are 3 months today. Wow. It's been a bit busy so we haven't had much 'internet' time, but below are some clips from the weekend
Jack and Ella's first face-off
Thad,Bobbi and Emma in our now messy house. Thanks much, you've been a lifesaver helping out so Kristy can sleep...
Emma and Ella
Posted by
8:14 PM
Friday, April 11, 2008
More pics
Due to an apparent lack of sleep, Kristy will be posting the story at a later date.... but here are some pics of yesterday. Oh, and the kids are doing fine.
Jack and Ella packed up to leave the NICU
Saying Goodbye
Just chilling in our car seats at home
Posted by
9:37 PM
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
All's well that ends well
Everything is a go for tomorrow, Jack and Ella will be going home together.
We meet with the oxygen guy at 9AM tomorrow to learn how to work the oxygen machine, do CPR, and fill the mobile tank. We will have a large tank at home and also a smaller, refillable tank that is mobile.
After that, we'll leave the NICU for good. We'll miss all the nurses, practitioners, doctors, respiratory therapists, and neo's... Because of them, Jack and Ella are still with us and we are forever grateful. Words on this blog can't explain how much we appreciate what you've done, but thank you.
Posted by
8:45 PM
Monday, April 07, 2008
Thursday's the day
Assuming all goes well over the next couple days (No bradies, please), Jack and Ella will be coming home on Thursday!
Posted by
6:53 PM
Coming Home this week???
We'll find out today if the kids are coming home this week. It's possible that Jack may come home on a tube and oxygen but I think Kristy and I are ready...
Over the past week, Kristy has had several showers. Thank you all very much for your thoughts and presents. It is very much appreciated. We'll post some pics later.
Also, Jack decided that he should be the bigger sibling and now weighs in at 6 lb 7 oz, just ahead of Ella's 6 lb 5 oz.
Posted by
7:43 AM
Saturday, April 05, 2008
More pics
Jack and Ella are now both officially 6 pounders. Jack has been doing great on his feedings lately and passed the 6 lb mark this week. Hopefully, not much more time before they're home...
Below are a couple pics of Jack (in his bouncer and getting a bath) and Ella in her normal awake state.
Posted by
5:50 PM
Thursday, April 03, 2008
Jack and Ella's welcome home stone
Tomorrow marks 4 months in the hospital and we're finally down to our last week or so. The days are now flying by. It's hard to believe that Ella is now over 6 lbs and Jack will soon be catching her.
Kristy and I have a couple nicknames for the kids. We call Ella 'Super baby' and Jack our 'Miracle baby'. So, when my parents stopped by this week with a special coming home present, it seemed quite appropriate and we wanted to share it with you.
Chronicles 16:8-9 - Give thanks to the LORD and proclaim his greatness. Let the whole world know what he has done. Sing to him; yes, sing his praises. Tell everyone about his miracles.
Posted by
6:34 PM