Kristy and I would like to wish all of you a safe and happy new year.
My last pic of the year is our calendar for January (thanks again to the great nurses here).
Monday, December 31, 2007
Happy New Year
Posted by
9:46 PM
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Yet another Sunday full of blahs
Day 25.3 is almost in the books and boy, was it a boring one... Lots of meaningless football games, more dreariness outside (as you can see from the pic outside our window today), and a bad Colts game coming up..., but also a calm TOCO line and active heartbeats, so we'll take it. Since things are going so well, we asked the nurse if there was any chance of Kristy going home. Her quick answer was 'no way', so I guess we're here for the long haul.
On a side note, is there anything more annoying than a time-out being called during a last second kick?
Posted by
7:24 PM
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Saturday night sushi and football
Kristy is having another good day. 2 1/2 monitorings down. She's even been calm tonight even though Morelli is playing. Thankfully, it's his last season at PSU.
Five days until Jack and Ella's next measuring. Her belly is growing, so hopefully that's a good sign.
Our friends Scott and Stephanie dropped by tonight and brought some sushi and cookies. What a great combo. Thank you. I've been using some free time to play with my camera, so you get to enjoy (or be annoyed) by the increasing number of pictures on the blog.
Posted by
9:24 PM
Friday, December 28, 2007
Kristy and her game
Here's a pic of Kristy playing her game tonight. She's probably getting tired of me taking her picture....
Posted by
8:37 PM
No news is good news
Kristy and I had another nice quiet day. Jack and Ella cooperated with the heartbeats and Kristy's contractions appear to be almost non-existent at this point. I feel odd writing that every day for the last week or so, but on the other hand, there's nothing else I'd rather write...
Kristy's older sister Kelly, husband Joe and youngest daughter Cheyenne surprised us with a visit this afternoon. We feel fortunate to have such a caring family on both sides and are looking forward to lots of babysitting help. Below is a pic of Cheyenne, Kristy and Kelly.
More to come...
Posted by
6:53 PM
Thursday, December 27, 2007
The miracle of life
Today was another stable day for Kristy. We're looking forward to more of the same. The crew here at the hospital is going through their holiday cycle, so we're meeting lots of new folk.
We received a special card from the team at the fertility clinic. Below is a pic of Jack and Ella under the microscope on the day of their transfer. They were about 64 cells large at this time. Pretty amazing...
Posted by
7:06 PM
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Christmas visitors
Jack and Ella appear to be progressing well over the last week. Tomorrow is a week towards our next goal of week 26. The monitorings are going well and life seems to be pretty stable. We are very hopeful and after each day, Kristy is less apprehensive. Our doc stopped by this morning and said that she's going on vacation for a couple weeks. She fully expects to see us her when she returns, which is comforting.
Kristy and I had many family members visit over the last couple days. Yesterday, my younger brother Scott and his family (wife Carrie and kids Ethan, Kate and Annie) stopped by for a while and then my older brother Evan, his family (wife Mimi and kids Sam and Ryan), my parents and gma came by about an hour later. They brought us many special gifts and we are very appreciative. Below is a pic of Kristy w/ Ryan and Sam. We're looking forward to them moving closer.
Today, Kristy's sister Kerri and husband Bret came down for a couple hours. Kerri is now expecting her third child (due in Mayish). Of course, Kerri couldn't take the 'we don't need anything' statement and got us some gift cards to the downstairs cafe and Starbucks. Thanks. Amazingly, all three of those heads fit in the picture, I guess it's that wide-angle lens...
Posted by
7:23 PM
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Merry Christmas
Kristy and I hope that everyone has a great Christmas.
We received our present yesterday. A great 4D pic of Ella's face and Jack's back. Take a look.
Posted by
12:26 PM
Monday, December 24, 2007
A great Christmas Eve
Kristy and I had a great day today that started with a bit of worry. We were enjoying our lunch from Panda Express when the nurse stopped by with a wheelchair to say that the doc wanted us to go next door to get an ultrasound. This was something new, as L had always stopped by the room. Needless to say, in our anxious little minds, we assumed something was wrong, but Kristy rode over to the office (just a 100 yards or so) for the procedure. In the meantime, the doc and L's daughter Abigail put up a festive paper chain across our room. Once again, our anxiety was unfounded and we definitely appreciate the new decoration.
The second good news of the day came during the ultrasound. Jack showed more fluid than he has since we were admitted. L also put on the 4D and we have some good pictures that we'll post later.
The last surprise of the day came while Kristy was being monitored in the afternoon (which was calm). We heard a knock and I answered and looked out to someone saying 'he has no idea who we are...'. It turned out to be Andy and Kelly Smith. Andy is replacing Kristy's position for this year and Kelly is a teacher at the school. They dropped off some cards from Kristy's students. You can see them (on the cabinets) and the paper chain in the pic below. As you can imagine, Kristy's spirits today were quite high.
In the spirit of Christmas and thanks to Kristy's dad saying that I should post off-the-wall thoughts, I just finished a great book for those that are interested in a thought-provoking, rational discussion of Christianity. It's called 'What's so great about Christianity' by D'Souza.
Merry Christmas.
Posted by
8:05 PM
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Visit from the fam
Today was cold and blustery here. I don't think Kristy missed going outside today. Plus, we had a visit from our families. The pic below is (from left to right) her mom, dad, gma and my dad, gma, and mom. Today was also a Colts game, so Kristy had on her (well, actually my...) Colts gear.
Otherwise, it was another normal day, with only 1 contraction so far and positive readings on Jack and Ella's heartbeats. It's amusing watching as the nurses try to get their readings as they are pretty small and move around quite a bit. We are continually amazed at how well we are treated here and appreciate it greatly.
Posted by
7:38 PM
Saturday, December 22, 2007
24.2 and beyond
Today, we're at 24.2 and Kristy is still having mostly quiet monitorings on the TOCO. We're very thankful and hopeful that it will continue.
Today, I stopped by the bookstore and actually picked up a book by Jenny McCarthy. We received a recommendation from Marcy and after reading a couple segments, we would agree. Of course, I also picked up a couple more books including another recommendation for St. Augustine's book Confessions. Got to have something besides 24x7 football, basketball, and HGTV...
Last night, Matt and Tammy stopped by and dropped off a basket of goodies for us. Magazines, puzzles, snacks and blue and pink pairs of infant socks for Jack and Ella. Thank you. Below is a pic w/ Kristy.
Til tomorrow.
Posted by
5:14 PM
Friday, December 21, 2007
The new normal
While yesterday's measurements were quite concerning, Kristy is moving forward and thinking positively. The next measurements won't be until week 26, so we will continue to hope and pray that Jack makes good progress over the next couple weeks.
We decided not to take the genetic tests that included analysis for MTHFR, PAI and other potential gene mutations in Kristy. If the tests did come back positive, then the treatment would be heparin. Since Kristy is already taking the appropriate dose of heparin, we decided that it would be better not to potentially raise new fears. Also, who knows what insurance companies will exclude treatment for or raise prices on in the future...
Since the babies are now past week 24, they now get monitored 3 times / day for heartbeats. The doctor team is looking for a normal range, as well as, deceleration and acceleration in the heartbeats as they respond to their ecosystem. So far, Jack and Ella both are in the normal range. Ella's heartbeats vary quite a bit more as she is more active. Below is a pic with Kristy and the nurse as she underwent the first monitoring session.
Posted by
4:57 PM
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Not the news we hoped
Well. We had our ultrasound this morning and the results were concerning. Jack is now measuring 3 weeks behind and Ella is about 2. From the last measurement that was 16 days ago, Jack has grown 9 days and Ella 13. The doctor didn't seem too concerned about Ella, but she now thinks that Jack's loss of fluid may be a chromosome issue. They are doing some research and will probably do some tests to try to determine the cause. For now, we'll continue to keep doing what we're doing.
I apologize for the lack of more detailed information, but Kristy and I are trying to play the ignorance is bliss game and that as long as they're in her belly, we're happy.
Posted by
10:08 AM
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Tomorrow is Week 24
Today was a nice and quiet day. Kristy had some stomach irritations, but we think it was just nerves as tomorrow is our 2nd goal and a big one. We'll be at week 24.... Our ultrasound is scheduled for 9AM and we hope to have some more good news to post tomorrow. They will be taking measurements of both Jack and Ella for the first time since Kristy was admitted 16 days ago.
On a side note, my brother stopped by today. He's hoping to get a job with the competing hospital in town. Wouldn't that be interesting...
Below is a pic that I snapped right after Kristy's exciting time out of bed (the once every 2 days shower....) She's definitely getting bigger.
Posted by
10:18 PM
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
The December calendar
Below is the calendar that one of the nurses here put together for us. Only a couple days 'til Week 24.... Kristy is really looking forward to our day of measurement. Today was another quiet day. The three hours of TOCO's didn't show a single contraction and the ultrasounds / heartbeats were stable.
Posted by
10:16 PM
A beautiful sunrise
This morning we awoke to a great sunrise and knew that it'd be a good day and so far, so good. Below is a pic from outside our window.
Posted by
5:44 PM
Monday, December 17, 2007
A bittersweet end to the first fortnight
Tonight marks 2 weeks in the hospital. For us, it was a very good day. The ultrasound showed improved fluid for Jack and both heartbeats were normal. Also, we've learned a mechanism to get through Kristy's TOCO sessions. Instead of us watching the device and worrying, she plays her Mahjong game and I hang out in my corner with my laptop. We just look every 20-30 minutes or so. Seems to be working so far....
Unfortunately, when Debbie, L and crew stopped by for today's ultrasound, they were noticeably upset. We didn't ask, but I noticed later that room 9 was now vacant. We knew yesterday that all 4 ante-partum rooms were full. Our prayers are with the couple that left.
Posted by
10:48 PM
Sunday, December 16, 2007
More Sunday blahs
Today was a pretty blah-filled day, just like last Sunday. The hospital is extremely quiet on the weekends and especially today with the snow that we received yesterday. However... we will gladly take it. Kristy had several contractions during the afternoon, but we're learning that during the late afternoons, she usually contracts. She didn't feel any of them, so we weren't too alarmed. Also, her TOCO's in the morning and evening were fine. The heartbeats were normal this morning and Kristy felt Jack move a bit today, as well.
Four days until our next goal of 24 weeks. Please continue to pray...
Posted by
10:02 PM
Saturday, December 15, 2007
All sushi and a calm TOCO makes a Kristy a very happy girl
Today was a very good day. Even though, we didn't get to see Jack and Ella on the ultrasound, we did hear their strong heartbeats this morning. Plus, Kristy's TOCO measurements were negligible today. She had her usual 3 x 1 hour monitorings and just had some stomach irritations, but didn't feel any contractions.
Hedy, from Kristy's school, stopped by in the afternoon and dropped off a Christmas blanket that she used with her son Nick. It was an extremely kind gesture and Kristy is very appreciative. Our 'home' is beginning to feel a bit more like Christmas...
Also, Thad and Bobbi came by tonight with a special dinner. As many of you know, Kristy loves sushi, but has to eat the cooked stuff now. So, Thad and Bobbi brought us some crab salad, soft-shell crab roll, rock-n-roll.... It was excellent and we enjoyed a nice dinner with them.
Even though Kristy was stuffed, she still managed to measure a very comforting TOCO from 9 to 10. We're getting closer to the week 24 goal...
Posted by
10:11 PM
Friday, December 14, 2007
As surprising as it seems, I'm not a big believer that technology is always a good thing. I would agree that the technology around monitoring and observing our babies has been quite beneficial in determining what next steps to take. I.e., Jack and Ella might not be alive if it weren't for a timely ultrasound. However, it will never replace the human factor that is involved in many situations. For example, tonight, Kristy had a pretty scary evening where it appeared that she might be going into pre-term labor. She had 5 contractions within an hour and the second hour didn't seem to be much better. All we could do was look at the machine and wonder what was going on... Kristy only felt one of them, but the device said that one, two, three... were occurring.
Fortunately, Debbie stopped by during the second hour and as usual had a very calming effect on the both of us. We took the TOCO off, had some dinner and watched a movie (Ratatouille, quite good, btw). After a couple hours break from the TOCO, Kristy put it back on at 9PM.
Amazingly, the hour or so from 9PM on measured nothing. It was flat as a board. Kristy feels fine, is currently sleeping, and we can check another day off, thanks to our non-technical intervention.
Posted by
10:50 PM
New ultrasound pictures
My mom and dad stopped by today and dropped off a couple gifts. A Christmas tree from their last trip to Germany and the picture holders below. Jack and Ella even posed for us today.
Posted by
5:20 PM
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Week 23
Today is 23.0
Another relatively uninteresting day. Jack's fluid seemed to have diminished a bit or maybe it was just moved around. Either way, his heartbeat is still strong. We have our next measurement day next Tuesday. This will be when L measures their different body parts and compares them to how big they are supposed to be. Last Tuesday, Jack was measuring a couple weeks behind, so we hope that this trend does not continue. I.e., we hope that he measures about 21 weeks next Tuesday.
Kristy is on the TOCO right now and playing her Mahjong game on the hospital computer. There is an arm that contains a TV, web browser, games... that swivels around the room. We'll post a picture later. It is much easier than having a notebook on her lap.
Til tomorrow.
Posted by
9:18 PM
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Ah, lasagna
Curt and Kristen stopped by tonight and dropped off a lasagna. We had nearly half of it gone within 20 minutes. Thanks so much.
Kristy had another couple calm TOCO's this afternoon and evening, after a couple contractions in this morning's monitoring. L came by today as well and noticed that Jack's fluid had increased about 1/2 cm from the last measurement. We aren't sure what a normal measurement is, but Jack's level is definitely much less than Ella's. Sometimes, ignorance is bliss...
I stopped by this morning to hang out with the cats and do some laundry. Poor Lucy misses Kristy's affection, but fortunately, Thad and Bobbi have been exceptionally kind in their taking care of the house and cats for us.
Another day down...
Posted by
10:35 PM
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Week 1 Complete
It's been a bit over a week since Kristy was admitted, only 9 weeks or so to go. Kristy is doing pretty well and the scan today was also positive. We love watching them when L comes around. It always brightens Kristy's day. Jack seems to be maintaining his 2 cm of fluid. Also, Kristy had another calm TOCO day. It's now been 5 days of little or no contractions.
I got my camera so we'll post some pictures later this week.
Posted by
6:56 PM
Monday, December 10, 2007
Monday Update
Nothing much new to report today. Kristy is maintaining her status quo and I'm now working from the hospital. Fortunately, Clarian is pretty tech-savvy, so I have all the necessary facilities to accomplish the majority of my job here. We both miss our colleagues and look forward to returning to face-to-face communication.
Kristy is getting used to her new 'normal'. I'm sure she'll detail that out in a later post.
Thanks again for your thoughts and prayers. More to follow...
Posted by
8:32 PM
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Sunday blahs
Today was pretty dreary here. Not much sun and Kristy was sleepy all day. On the good side her TOCO measurements were great and our daytime nurse brought us a December poster that shows our weekly progress. We posted it on the door and Kristy can cross off the days as they progress.
Also, we moved rooms today. We were originally in the set of rooms used primarily for the in-labor patients, so it was a bit louder and had more traffic. We're now in the East 'wing' facing Meridian Street where the longer-term patients reside. The room is larger and our new 'home' has an additional chair and two larger windows. It's the small things...
Oh and Go Colts.
Posted by
7:19 PM
Saturday, December 08, 2007
Saturday night update
We had a special surprise this morning. Our ultrasound lady (We'll call her L for short in the future) stopped by this morning with some doughnuts and another stable ultrasound. Heartbeats and fluids are consistent with the past couple days readings.
Kristy's parents came by about 10, so I got to run home and get some chores done (laundry, dishes, litterbox...). It's quite strange just visiting our house. They stayed until Tom couldn't handle watching the Hoosiers without getting Kristy going. Amazing, since they actually played a good game and won easily.
Both TOCO's today measured insignificant levels of contractions. Maybe there is something to this bed-rest deal... Anyways, Kristy is in good spirits and another day/night is done.
Posted by
7:50 PM
Friday, December 07, 2007
Friday night update
Kristy and I are just hanging out tonight watching some sitcoms, glad that another day is almost behind us. The afternoon ultrasound went well. Status quo.... Kristy is learning how to deal with the TOCO. This is the device that monitors her contractions by attaching to her stomach and outputting the results to a screen and print-outs. While it's comforting knowing her contractions aren't regular, having the device on for several hours a day causes some stress. We just sit there and hope it doesn't 'bell-curve'. Plus, Ella doesn't seem to like the pressure and kicks at it. The craziness of modern medicine.... I'm sure Kristy will detail out the experience when she's up to writing again.
We've received many responses and Kristy enjoys hearing from you. She hasn't checked her work email account in a while, so if you'd like to email us, please use my account.
We did received a batch of beautiful flowers today from Liberty. Also, Thad and Bobbi have been taking care of the cats and getting our deliveries for us. Thanks much.
Posted by
6:35 PM
Day 22.1
Today is week 22 day 1 and is starting out well. Kristy had a positive ultrasound this morning. The small pocket of fluid is still there around Jack's legs. Heartbeats were also very strong. Our ultrasound lady doesn't work weekends, so we'll have just the monitor for the next couple days. The doc says to just keep chugging. So, that's what we'll do.
Posted by
3:20 PM
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Late night worries
Not sure if y'all are interested in the hour by hour info..., but Kristy had several contractions late tonight. She was a bit worried, but they went down after a bit. Hopefully, we're just learning the ins and outs of her pregnancy. I'm sure it's a bizarre feeling for her to have every motion and feeling tracked... I'm glad she's a strong girl.
Posted by
11:43 PM
Thursday Evening Update
Considering the circumstances, Kristy had a good day today. She was monitored for about 3 hours and only had 1 contraction. Also, our ultrasound lady and doctor stopped by a bit after 5PM and the babies are looking stable. Jack had a bit more fluid and their heartbeats were normal. We are very appreciative of our 'team' here at the hospital. It is comforting knowing that not only are they tremendously skilled, but also that they care about their patients. We are also very thankful that our jobs and co-workers allow us to concentrate on the next several weeks.
I just finished some of Merton's work on Hope (thanks, Scott...) and it seems especially pertinent during these times. So, Hopefully more good news tomorrow.
Posted by
6:52 PM
2nd Night
Kristy slept much better last night. She was actually asleep the entire time between the 5 hour antibiotic drips. Also, they did another ultrasound this morning and Jack's pocket of fluid is staying constant. No contractions this morning either.
Thanks again for your prayers, it's working...
Posted by
9:30 AM
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Day 1 Complete
Day 1 out of hopefully many is almost in the books. The good news is that Kristy is feeling fine and except for some contractions before dinner-time nothing has changed. The not so good news is that nothing has changed... Jack's amniotic fluid level has not risen, but as of this afternoon, he still had some around his feet. However, Ella is doing fine. Jack's heart rate did go back up to normal levels, but it appears that he isn't growing as expected. Assuming things go well, they will take measurements in a couple weeks to check.
Thanks very much for your kind words and prayers, they are much appreciated. Kristy and I both can feel your hope. We did receive a beautiful evergreen Christmas tree with a blue and a pink star from our friends Crystal and Amber. Thank you.
Posted by
7:06 PM
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
In the hospital
Well....I'm typing this from the hospital room. Kristy and I went to her normal appointment this afternoon and they found a problem. Jack's amniotic sac was significantly smaller than last week's and also than Ella's. The doctors fear that an infection has occurred. It's very bizarre because Kristy hasn't noticed any abnormal fluid loss and this was not an expected issue. However, if it is an infection in the uterus, then the chances of them being delivered early is very likely. So, they have given her a batch of antibiotics and are monitoring her closely. Either way, we will be in the hospital until delivery.
There is a bit of hope as Kristy does not have a fever and her cervix is still measuring ok. She has also not experienced any contractions.
Please pray for us over the next several days as it is now just a waiting game. We are hopeful that the worst part will be her being in the hospital for the next 10 weeks.
Posted by
8:35 PM