I started back to work Tuesday... I cried all morning! I didn't realize how hard it was going to be. It is sad that I reacted that way when I only have to work two weeks before school is out for the summer. Fortunately for me, David is taking care of Jack and Ella this week. It made it so much easier on me knowing they would be taken care of by their daddy.
As far as daddy goes, he has done phenomenally! He makes me look like a second-rate parent. Not only did he have the laundry done, the house swept, dishes done, trash out, etc., but he went to the grocery store. Yes, David took Jack and Ella to the grocery store stroller and all. He worked out a system where he would push the double stroller with one hand and pull the cart along behind him with the other hand. Can't you just see it?! He said he got several interesting looks!
David has also figured out that Ella does well when swaddled. Once she gets her arms going, it is hard for her to calm down. Swaddling helps her relax. Yeah!!
The last bit of good news is that we have found child care for next school year. Our provider is a former pediatric RN that has decided to stay home with her child. She also watches a couple of nurses' kids and a resident's kid. It's really amazing that we found a provider with a medical background less than 10 minutes from our house. I guess it is yet another pray answered. I hope we're not running out (of answered prayers) because it seems we've had our fair share...
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Back to Work
Posted by
10:17 AM
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
The Crying Myth
Ok, so I read that young babies cry for several reasons:
1. Hungry
2. Colicky
3. Poopie
4. Bored
5. Tired
All lies.... Some babies (Ella) cry just for fun and other babies don't cry (Jack) for any of the above. Hopefully, there's some truth to the rumor that someday they will be able to console themselves...
Other than the crying bit, this week is going pretty well (at least for me and the babies, but poor Kristy got a nice, hot, milk bath from Jack last night.)
Posted by
8:31 AM
Monday, May 26, 2008
Out on the town
Jack and Ella experienced a couple of firsts this weekend.
They put on their first shades to go outside
They went shopping for the first time
And they saw their first bookstore (Finally....)
Posted by
5:06 PM
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
How old are they anyway?
I'm having a hard time figuring out what Jack & Ella are supposed to be doing (sleeping, eating, etc.) because of the whole prematurity thing.
Is "crying it out" ok since they are 4 months old, or is it too soon because they are 1 month old (adjusted)?
Is 4 ounces every 3 hours enough? Should I try to hold them off for 4 hours and give them more formula even if they are screaming?
Should I "force" them to take their whole bottle if they are not making past the 3 hour mark?
Do I try to refeed them if they seem to have spit-up their entire bottle or wait until the next "scheduled" time?
Should I make them follow a schedule or is on-demand feeding still appropriate?
AGHHHHH... this parenting thing is tough!
Posted by
9:33 PM
Sunday, May 18, 2008
No more oxygen
Jack's oxygen support has been officially removed. Yeah.
And, check it out, he finally fits in that onesie from January 26th
Great Grandma Kokoska came to visit as well
Of course, we can't leave out Ella
Posted by
11:18 AM
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Still Waiting
Well, It's Thursday and we are still waiting on word from the Pulmonologist... It's soooo frustrating! Jack hates the cannula and rips it off whenever possible, which in turn means we have to put it back on. He just cries and cries.
We had the sleep study completed on Friday and were supposed to have the results on Wednesday. When I called, the nurse said that they hadn't heard anything, and it usually takes a week for results. That is not what the Doc had told us, so we asked her to call Riley to find out what the hold up was. She called us back and said that Riley had not received anything yet. Great! I called Praxair (the company responsible for the test) ready to give them hell, but they were able to come up with a tracking number and signature of delivery. I tried to call the nurse back Wednesday, but the office had closed (anger builds). I called first thing this morning, and the nurse was going to call Riley with the info... now I wait again (anger boiling). I'll give her until 1pm, then I will call every 1/2 hour after that... Jack has been through too much to be put on the back burner.
As for Ella... her new thing is to cry 24/7. If she is not eating or sleeping then she is crying. David and I are at a loss!
Posted by
11:30 AM
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Happy Mother's Day
Kristy and I are very grateful for both our mothers and want to thank them for all their help over the last many months (even though my mother-in-law is quite painful sometimes).
Jack completed his oxygen test quite easily (we think). His alarms never once went off and his oxygen level was in the 90's except during bath time (you can see why below). We're looking forward to the official results later this week.
The babies are getting big enough that their heads aren't nearly as wobbly and we can start using some of the cool baby toys. Kristy even got to dance with Ella.
Jack is getting quite the attention lately
Ella loves her bath time
But Jack doesn't
So he lets us know
And the cheesy flower pic for our moms
Posted by
4:39 PM
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
Today David and I took Jack and Ella to the pediatric pulmonologist. The news was great... Jack is going to have his sleep study completed in the next couple of days which has three possible outcomes:
1. He passes with flying colors = he's off oxygen
2. He fails the test = another month of oxygen
3. He passes but barely = alternating use of oxygen (when feeding/sleeping)
Of course, we are praying for the first. The sleep study will basically be performed over the course of one night. Jack will have an oximeter strapped on, and the oxygen will be turned off. As long as Jack keeps his O2 level at the appropriate level then he's golden. The doctor seemed to think that Jack would be off sooner rather than later.
Ella also had an appointment, but she was a no brainer.
We also stopped by the NICU to visit - everyone was amazed at Jack & Ella's size! Jack is now 9 lbs 5 oz and Ella is now 8 lbs 7 oz. Wow!
We were on our way to see Dr. A's group but got stopped in our tracks by two hungry babies... we ended up feeding them in the hospital lobby. Ahhh parenthood.
Just a note to Debbie - we love you and hope all is well.
Posted by
6:06 PM
Sunday, May 04, 2008
A week in the life of Ella
Non-stop action filled our house over the last week. Below are some of the pics with captions by Ella.
Lots of friends and family came to see us
Cousin Keagan is a bit more active than bro
We wore out our grandparents
We tried out new presents (Thanks Aunt Carrie, mom'll get the hang of it someday)
Daddy tried to mimic my o-face
Mom thinks that cousin Kinley and I have lots of Will blood (poor daddy)
And then we decided to put on our cute faces so mom and dad'll do whatever we say...
Posted by
9:42 AM