Sunday, March 16, 2008

Sunday is picture day

Today was a nice, quiet day. Jack is up to 4 lb 4 oz and Ella is 4 lb 11 oz. The docs have started talking about home, so we're getting anxious, nervous, excited.... Ella has been doing great w/o oxygen support. It's been 8 days now since they pulled the cannula. Jack is doing better, but still on the vapotherm at a 30% level. He's about 3 weeks behind her on the oxygen support. We'll have quite a decision to make if they're released separately...

Sundays are the day that I've been uploading all the pics, so below are several from the past several days.

Ella and Grandma Will today

Jack being held today by mom

Ella's bath time yesterday

Ella's angel pose

Ella taking her bottle

Jack's favorite friend


Anonymous said...

wow, these are awesome. Ella taking a bottle makes her look like such a big girl!

Marcy said...

Wow, they are growing. With some prayers and luck, maybe they will be able to come home fairly close in dates, if not at the same time. I know it will be a challenge having Ella at home and Jack still in the hospital. They have come so far already, that in a week or two Jack may make leaps and bounds in his progress yet again to catch up with his sister, and he may even pass her up in weight in the near future.

They are precious.

Anonymous said...

Kristy - Begin nesting NOW! I'm so excited for you!!