Saturday, March 15, 2008

It's just air

Today started a little depressing, I was feeling grumpy and a bit selfish. After having an overabundance of free time in the last dozen years, I'm now forced on a tighter schedule. Friends and colleagues have joked with me for years about not knowing the changes that kids will bring, but it's now coming to life... I know, I know, I'm more than exuberant about having Jack and Ella in our lives, but sometimes I miss the lazy Saturdays (you can all laugh at me now...).

Anyways, we got an abrupt phone call right after my little tizzy from the hospital saying that Jack's cultures from Thursday had come back positive for a urinary tract infection. Reality kicked in as the word infection had become our most feared enemy. Fortunately, the UTI is easily treatable and probably not a sign of a greater infection. There is a fear of kidney issues, but the odds are slim.

So, we made our way to the hospital and, of course, the kids cheered us up. Kerri and Bret dropped by for a while and Kristy got to give Ella another bath. It was hilarious as she promptly decided to relax and poop immediately. After a bath water change, I got a good video of her follow-up. This time it was 'just air'.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ah, UTI's must be from David's side of the family... Keep hanging in there, you're doing awesome! :)