Sunday, January 04, 2009

Colts & Chargers

Well, I know I speak for many when I say that last night's Colt's game was a huge bummer!! However, I have to say that it was much better than last year's loss to the Chargers in the playoffs...

Last year, Sunday, January 13, David and I were told that Jack was failing in the womb and would need to be delivered to save his live. This, however, would mean that both Jack and Ella would have to be delivered 13 weeks too soon. We had no idea if either would survive since both were IUGR (behind in their growth). Jack was actually only at 24 weeks, and Ella was only 25 weeks. They other option was to just stop monitoring Jack, and let Ella finish "cooking". As you can imagine, this wasn't an option.

The Colts lost, Jack and Ella were born, David and I became parents... I guess two out of three aren't bad!!

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