Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Birthday Video

Wow, what a difference a year can make. It seems like just yesterday that Jack, Ella, Kristy and I were in the hospital, but what a great year it turned out to be. We're looking forward to another one...

On the sick front, Kristy still isn't doing so hot, but the kids are feeling better today. Ella has decided that it's time to start trying to walk, which is scary and exciting.

The family is coming over this weekend for their official party, so hopefully we'll all be well by then. Kristy, of course, has the decorations, balloons, cakes, banners... all ready to go.

Here's a little video of them on their birthday.


Crystal said...

wow, way to go ella! you are so close to walking. i didn't realize jack was pulling up too. they are so big. i love jack dancing in the mirror. too cute!

Crystal said...

i almost forgot... HAPPY BIRTHDAY, J&E!

Kristen said...

Happy 1st Birthday!