Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Ella learns to climb

In the last month, the Kokoska house has changed dramatically. No longer can we just sit and watch as the kids play/roll around harmlessly. Ella is incessantly wanting to crawl over/around and up objects. So... Kristy and I put up some gates in the family room to wall off anything that might hurt them. Of course, that provides a nice mechanism for Ella to pull herself up. Unfortunately, she hasn't learned how to get down, so after a few minutes (or seconds) she wants us to come rescue her.

And people always told us this gets easier...


Anonymous said...

Ella to Jack, "Daddy will get me... watch this!"

Anonymous said...

You know what Dave I was always told the samething but Jason and I are now realizing how "EASY" it was when Jackson was a baby. I swear I do not sit for more than 2 minutes because Jackson is always up to something. The child goes one hundred miles per minute!! The kids look great and they are going to continue to amaze you with what they can do and figure out!!! Hope we can get together soon. love, Ericka