Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Another Ella Update

Ella had another appointment today to take a look at the progress of her pinkie. The doctor removed the cast and bandages and was again pleased with what he saw. Her finger was nice and pink, and she was able to wiggle it. The doctor then cleaned the wound and rewrapped the hand/arm. She was a trooper until the end when she wanted down (out of my arms), and I wouldn't let her. Oh well, I was prepared for some screaming/crying. We go back again next week... hopefully to remove one(or both) of her pins.

Ella with Duckie


Jessica said...

HI! I'm not sure if you guys remember me but I had triplet boys in the NICU while you were there! Your kiddos look like they are doing great but poor Ella! I have lots of pictures posted on the boys blog if you are interested! :)

Valerie said...

She is so adorable and I'm glad she's getting better!

Jacqueline Harkness said...

Isn't it amazing how kids bounce back? I am glad to hear Ella is doing so well! God continues to shine on you and your family!
All my love,