Sunday, October 26, 2008

How to get a heavy sleeper out of bed... and more

I think Kristy finally convinced the kids that daddy should get up with the overnight feeding. Usually, I sleep right through the crying and talking, but a couple nights ago, I heard 'I want dada dada dada'...'dada dada dada'. How can you resist that?

The last couple weeks have been incredible for us. The kids are starting to do normal activities, which seem amazing to us. Ella has really gotten the hang of crawling and loves when she has an audience to show off her new found abilities. Jackie is even more animated than ever. While Ella has more physical prowess, he understands his name and responds eagerly to our chatter. Plus he finally decided to show his eye color (the green outfit helps...).

While Ella still has the baby blues.

Jack decided that he likes mac n' cheese

Not so much for Ella

This fall we discovered several wild pansies growing in the yard. The first couple were in the girls' garden. Purple and pink were their colors.

We've never planted white pansies anywhere in the yard, but yet here they are... We think they're looking out for their siblings.


Anonymous said...

They've gotten so big... I love Ella's hair!

Michael said...

It's great to see how big and strong your little miracles are now! Well worth getting out of bed at night I'd say!