Well, we survived our first separation.... David and I went out of town over the weekend and left Jack and Ella with Grandma & Grandpa Will. After the last 9 months, David and I needed some alone time. We decided to get away before school starts, and his work got too crazy.
I took the kids up to mom and dad's Thursday night and got them accustomed to their new surroundings. I left after breakfast Friday morning and headed back home. David and I flew out Friday afternoon for Ft. Lauderdale.
We spent the weekend basking in the sun and eating oysters. OK, I didn't actually bask in the sun... I hid under an umbrella because right now I'm soooo pale (I haven't seen much sunlight this summer). Just the sound of the ocean, and the cool breeze was enough for me.
David knew I would not be able to last three days without seeing the babies, so he hooked-up the webcam and each night we would see the babies before they went to bed. It was great... mom and dad would hold them up to the camera and put us on speaker phone. If not for the webcam, we would have flown home much earlier than planned.
When we got home Monday, I went to get the babies immediately. Boy oh boy... spoiled!!! It has taken a couple of days to get the babies adjusted to not being held 24/7. Grandparents, what are you gonna do?
Next week I start school again... I'll keep you posted.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Posted by
9:17 PM
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
So... Kristy and I were talking tonight about the last year and are still amazed that our little boy has grown from this:
To this:
And even though we were never as worried about Ella, we love that she's healthy too.
So... Thanks again for your thoughts and prayers and we continually thank God for them and you.
Posted by
10:46 PM
Sunday, July 20, 2008
The last month in video
Jack and Ella have had a busy month.
They both are learning to eat from a spoon.
They're learning to entertain each other.
And then we all took a nap.
Posted by
5:05 PM
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
6 Months Old
Jack and Ella turned 6 months on July 13... Wow!! We celebrated their big day with Jason, Ericka, and Jackson. Really, though, the whole weekend was a celebration. Thad, Bobbi, and Emma celebrated with us on Friday, and Grandma and Grandpa Kokoska celebrated with us on Saturday.
Before Jack & Ella's baths last night, David weighed them. Jack weighed in at 13 lbs, and Ella weighed in at 12 lbs. Our babies are getting so big - and their personalities are really starting to shine through. I look at pictures from the first couple of months and don't even recognize them.
I can't wait for the next 6 months - wait only 6 months left??? I better start planning their 1st birthday party (we only have about 100 people to invite). Poor David doesn't stand a chance...
Posted by
3:49 PM
Thursday, July 10, 2008
4th of July and more
It appears that we've been behind in the picture posting, so here goes...
Daddy got to spend a lot of time with Jack and Ella (yes, I do have about 6 of those gray t-shirts...)
Cousin Sam and Uncle Evan, Aunt Mimi and also cousin Ryan moved to town
We had some bbq
And Ryan had her 11th birthday on the 3rd
Then we had more friends and family over for the 4th
Jack and Ella showed off their patriotic outfits
Then they went to bed
While everyone else watched the fireworks
Posted by
7:47 PM
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
I can't believe it... Jack and Ella have both fallen asleep at the same time!! I actually have time to write.
Where to start...
Jack is growing like a weed and every time I look at him, I am astounded. He is not only putting on weight, but his legs are getting longer. He continues to show so much personality in his facial expressions and has become quite the talker (ok, so he doesn't make any sense, but it is way too cute). Another thing that he has learned to do is roll over. He has the front to back thing conquered much to my horror in the middle of the night when I find him on his belly. Today at the hospital (renal ultrasound) he rolled from his belly to his back. David and I were both so excited.
Ella is growing as well, but is much more petite than Jack. She is our wild woman... she can smile (cheese - as David calls it) so big it makes you giggle then scream/turn red all within a minute. You never know what you're going to get with her. Ella too has mastered the roll over, but doesn't seem as impressed with the whole process as Jack does.
Well, I have tried the whole feeding them with a spoon thing, but man, it is a lot of work for the very little that they actually eat. I end-up scraping more rice off their chins than they eat, and I have to bottle feed them as well (because they don't get that much from the spoon). I know it is time really start pushing it, but I can change them, bottle feed them, and be done in 1/2 hour. When I spoon feed them, it takes a minimum 1/2 for each. Any tricks?
On a different note, thanks for all the church suggestions! We look forward to starting our hunt soon.
Posted by
1:40 PM