Wednesday, May 23, 2007


David and I got the results back from our blood tests... we are positive for the antibodies that cause disruptions to the blood flow to the embryos. Women with high levels of this certain antibody often have clotting problems in their placentas. This can put a baby at risk, because blood clots can block the passage of oxygen and nutrients to the fetus. It also disrupts the makeup of the placenta, making it difficult for an egg to implant. Heparin helps prevent these clots from forming.

Though knowing all this will help with the future, it is like a shot through the heart.


joshua said...

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Crystal said...

i have heard about this disorder being a problem. i asked to be tested for it when i was pregnant, as a preventative. my doctor told me that they don't test for it unless you have had a problem with previous pregnancies. i don't understand WHY. all women should be tested for this for every pregnancy.

i know that it must be nice to have some answers, but i'm so sorry that you are getting them now.